Martin on the left in the background, Kate with Molly, Cindy with Lydia or Lindsey outside the Museum
There are more than 50 ethnic minorities comprising 13% of the population, the remainder being the 87%, the Viet (or Kinh) majority. We don't know whether any of the babies being adopted belong to the ethnic minorities who have a significant presence in the northern provinces. Some of the ethnic minorities in the highlands, the mountanous regions extending up towards the Chinese border live very isolated and different lifestyles, with fascinating cultures. This was an opportunity to become somewhat familiar with these peoples. Also interesting were the exhibits describing what life was like in Vietnam around and after the time of reunification in 1975 when the entire country became Communist and how goods were distributed during those years up until around 1990 when the economic system underwent change. Surprisingly, it wasn't sugar-coated, and you saw how the people did not thrive under that system.
Emma, Howie with Molly, Kenny, Jerry with Lydia or Lyndsey
Kate with Molly, Jerry with Lindsey or Lydia, Cindy with Lydia or Lyndsey
So it rained heavily late last night (thunder/lightning too)... so we hung out as the rain lightened up this morning, I dropped the laundry off at the corner, and even with the rain, the motorbikes continued as usual, with people just donning ponchos and some even using umbrellas as they rode. We ventured out as the rain stopped, back to the SOS clinic to pick up some more anti-fungal cream for Molly, and to the Trang-Tien Plaza Mall up to the 4th floor to the "Walmart" as Jerry calls it, to restock on snacks, diapers, wipes, etc. Then back to the hotel to meet Martin and Kenny to take us to the Museum. Once again the rides there and back are great sport.... I'm attaching some photos and a clip to try to get an inkling of what it's like maneuvering through that traffic. Kind of like a ride at Great Adventure.... lots of thrills, near misses and just plain disbelief at what you're seeing.
view from the "death seat" in a taxi. Notice bicycle, motorbike and cars all going in different directions right in front of us. By the way, we were NOT standing still at this point. Moving and honking, Moving and honking....
The TRULY amazing part, that completely differentiates the traffic here from home is not the quantity of vehicles, not the number of motorbikes, not the total disregard for red lights (we decided the lights are more like suggestion, not absolutes), or lane markers (even the line in a two-lane road). The TRULY amazing thing to us is that with all of the CONSTANT horn-honking, the merging, swerving, passing, tailgating, or just flat out going through the light at an intersection and weaving through the chaos, we have seen NO anger, NO road-rage, NO bullying that you would see in the States.... you know, "no way I'm letting HIM in!!!!".... that kind of attitude. It's just "go with the flow... BE the traffic..." It'd be interesting to see how these drivers would fair coming to the US.
Looks like you are having lots of fun. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I have just spend a happy half hour catching up on all the news and your adventures!! I'm hoping all goes well over the next few days and then you'll be back on that jet plane bringing Molly home!!
Can't wait to meet Miss Molly!!
Hello Howie,
I am very, very, very sorry for not contacting you sooner. Lyn has kept me in the loop during every step of the way and it sounds like your family is doing great! Molly, Emma, and Kate look wonderful and I know this adventure will enhance eveyone's life. Stay safe and please let me know if there is anything I can do.
p.s. The Mets have taken two in a row from the Yankees - UGH!
You all look so happy, the sights look amazing almost as amazing as you the family do. To Emma; I knew you would be a fantastic sister and you are showing that already. Your an amazing little girl Emma and I am so happy Molly has you as a sister. Kate and Howie; words can't express the feelings I have for both of you and your choice to give a human a life; you are all remarkable and I am grateful to be part of your family - Love Lynn (Aunt Witch)By the way I forgot my password so had to create a new account on Goggle
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